My credentials - accreditation with Humanists UK
I am a wedding celebrant and funeral celebrant, accredited with Humanists UK, the only UK charity representing the needs and rights of non-religious people in this country. I am also a mentor of new trainees.
After a careful and lengthy selection process, trainees and celebrants undergo rigorous training to ensure an excellent standard of service.
Humanists UK has been awarded the OCN London Quality Mark, a nationally recognised award for organisations that provide the highest standards of training and learning opportunities. The Quality Mark certifies the high quality of Humanists UK training provision in ceremonies, pastoral support and school speaking. OCN London is a national non-profit organisation dedicated to improving people's lives through learning.
The Quality Mark was awarded without a single recommendation for change or improvement.
Following accreditation, celebrants are required to continue with their development of skills and knowledge through attending regional and national seminars, workshops and conventions, in addition to self directed learning. Celebrants are peer reviewed regularly to ensure consistently high quality and professionalism.
Accredited celebrants are a network of like-minded professionals who support and work alongside each other.
Our services are covered by professional indemnity and public liability insurance.
All accredited celebrants pay quarterly fees to Humanists UK in order to help support the charity and its causes and campaigns for equality and human rights; its training programme and the excellent work of the celebrant network.
My background
My celebrant work is full time but prior to this, I have had 12 years of experience as a professional photographer and video producer with my husband at Sirastudio photographers and as well as having photographed a lot of weddings, I have worked all over the UK on video and photographic projects concerning the sustainability of food production and animal health, with national charities such as the RHS and British Thyroid Foundation, with national and global corporates and with local businesses and charities supporting people with special needs. For several years, I have also produced high profile awards videos for several organisations including the Stray FM Local Hero Awards and the Adversity Awards. In addition, I have 15 years experience as a corporate event manager and PR account manager, working in the charity, education, health, charity and sustainability sectors.
Over the past two years, I have brought all of my interviewing, storytelling, event management, listening, creative writing, visual representation, public speaking and celebrant skills under one umbrella in my work as a full time celebrant.
Featured articles
I've been featured on BBC Look North; in Yorkshire Bride Magazine (2020), on, on, on Humanist Ceremonies articles, on the radio, on internet news outlets and other local media . Images from one of my same sex weddings was used on billboards and national media in the Humanists UK campaign celebrating the legal recognition of humanist marriage in Northern Ireland in 2019. I don't go in for awards but I have lots of lovely reviews from my couples, and am highly recommended by venues and other suppliers who have worked with me.